Week 28
Baby Size: 14.8 inches Chinese
cabbage 2.25 lbs
Maternity Clothes: yes and lots of comfy pj
Stretch Marks: Nope and Hope to
continue to avoid
Gender: BOY
Movement: daily and lots of it
----getting to be a strong little boy in there: and Daddy is feeling it more
which Mommy LOVES that he gets to experience it
Sleep: still sleeping well –wake up occasionally sore back or side depending
on if I was in a position for too long but nothing serious
Food Cravings: sweets
Food Aversions: none
Symptoms: I am still feeling great
most days but starting to get a bit uncomfortable
Especially after eating
Weight Gain: 15 lbs total (according
to home scale will know more Friday)
Belly Button: HARDLY an INNY
Best Moment this week: We went to Carlsbad Caverns
(I was very sore the next day hips/shins/legs/feet)
Ordered a kitchen table so we can then have family dinners
Took Glucose Test and I didn’t get sick! Should know results
Date Night movie and tried this amazing new Asian restaurant
What I’m looking forward
to: Dr Appointment on
Friday! (Hope to see the little Mr)
10 days till Mom, Trevor, & Trey come down to El Paso
28 days until we get to go back to Iowa TOGETHER
84 more days until due date
I am almost to single digit countdown
Started back in to reading breastfeeding books again
Labor signs: 12 more weeks
Week 28 Pictures:
OHHHHHHHHHHH MY GOSH!!! look at that BELLY!!! it's awesome...awesome...awesome. you look absolutely wonderful and you've def got the "glow" goin' on.