Sunday, November 18, 2012

Christmas Early

Yes its November and usually I would hold off my Christmas excitement until after Thanksgiving at least
HOWEVER this year we caved BUT with good reason.  We are going to go home on the 20ish of December through the 26th-ish.  I didnt want to only have holiday spirit in our house for Urijahs first Christmas for only 20 days 
our tree is up 
lights are up 
music is going 
stockings are hung
christmas cookies have been baked (and ate! hee hee)
Egg nog in the refrigerator

cant wait for the tv channels to be taken over by movies!!!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

the best smile in the whole world

Your smile...
all the while....
giving me a feeling that is indescribable
its contagious
its the cutest thing ever
its bright (your whole face lights up)
its often
to top it off 
when its at us
at me! your Mommy
or at your Daddy

Giggle NEXT :)

You are becoming quite the little chatter box these days too 
You will lay and just chat to us for ours and you really like it when we talk back to you, it really gets you going.  
Sometimes when your smile is ssssooo big, cant get any bigger big, you appear to want to giggle but you just have not figured it out yet.
so you just coo and squawk away! getting louder and louder....I SWEAR one of your many go to noises sounds just like "HI"

I warned you "best smile in the whole world" we have tons of pictures of you smiling
 We catch them all the time 
Its the best 
And fun to send them to everyone back in Iowa

Monday, November 5, 2012

October Photo Dump


1 Month ... Already???

1 MONTH OLD!!!!!!!!! 

Can it be true???????

 Your smile is the best!

It is hard to believe that it has already been 1 month since you joined our family.  You are a sweet, mellow, easy going, smiley, happy, and a content baby boy.  You are beginning to find your voice and "talking" a lot.  You are also figuring out how to cry.  For the first two weeks of life we never heard anything but a whimper from you, no matter what nothing really made you mad. You would just squirm and let out a little noise when you needed a diaper change or you where getting hungry. BUT NOW you are starting to let us have it when you need something and we are not fast enough for your liking.  You smile A LOT and usually not at anything inparticular but do it when you are sleeping, "playing", or just simply being held.  We cant wait to actually get the genuine smiles when we know what your smiling at or should I say when we know you are smiling at us.  You follow our faces and recognize our voices, which is amusing and heartwarming to both of us.  You are growing, growing, growing *born: 8lbs 9oz *left hospital: 8lbs 3oz *5 days old: 8lb 12oz *2weeks: 9lbs 4oz *3weeks old: 9lbs 12oz *4weeks: 10lbs 3oz!!!!!!  You are exclusively breastfed but have been introduced to the bottle and have no problems with it at all.  You are semi interested with the pacifier but its usually a hit or miss.  You love love love to be moving, therefore, really enjoy and sleep in your bouncey seat a lot swing not so much. You have the cutest little sneezes followed by a little "aaahhhh" afterwards, that happens often as well as getting the hiccups and having very manly big loud stinky farts.  Your hair sticks straight up and all over.  We think you are going to have a cowlick like Daddy.  For the most part the consensus has been that you look like Daddy as a baby, have some Volz in you, and look a lot like your cousin McCoy with those facial expressions you are always giving.  You are a very good sleeper and noisy too! Grunting, moaning, and making all sorts of weird noises. At night you go 4-6 hours in between feedings and usually go right back to sleep.  You are awake more and more during the day eating every 2/3 hours.  You do NOT like to be swaddled because your hands must be free so you can have them up by your face.  When you are awake your arms, hand, legs, and feet are always going.  You have a very strong grip and are already pushing off of Mommy and Daddy trying to stand up.  Big stuff!  You dont love tummy time to much but you do fairly well holding your head up when your up on our chest. Your first month was obviously filled with a lot of firsts: skyping with family, airport trips picking up visitors, Hawkeye football game, church service, walks, shopping trips, doctor appointments, bath, Halloween, and much much more. Some nicknames you have already got: bugaboo, bug, boo, pumpkin, bud, little man, and your cousins call you "baby urijah".  We cant believe how fast you are growing and changing daily.  Time is literally flying by already and next thing we know you will be starting kindergarten, graduating, leaving us for college, and then starting a family of your own.  We love you more then words and feel beyond blessed by God to get such an amazing gift.  You are the perfect addition to our family.  You have made our life so much fuller and more meaningful.  All the little things are twice as fun.  We cant wait to watch you grow, learn, and change supporting you in all that you aspire to do.  Even though Mommy wants you to stay little forever so she can cuddle and smother you with kisses with no protest Daddy is ready to play football, wrestle, and just be boys with you.  We love you Urijah Owen Foster with all our hearts.
-Mommy & Daddy

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