Thursday, February 16, 2012

Vday Lovin

This was our first Valentines Day together ... last year he was in the feild :(
So I was very excited to get to go to dinner together
all I could think about all day is about all those couples who where not getting to spend the day with there loved ones because they are off serving our country!! Made me very grateful to have my valentine with me!!

For lunch I surpised him with a trail of yummys through our house with cute little sayings on each of them

He was spoiled and didnt know where to start!! :)

And for dinner he took me to "The Garden" where we took our first date in El Paso

The Centerpiece was ADORABLE!!!
picture isnt the greatest
but there is a little orange fish in there
I think this would be fun for a wedding
or any other event really

Red Velvet Cheesecake for desert
to top off the perfect night :)!!

Also got a GREAT package from mom and dad --with a willow tree (hope to remind me of my grandma), candy, Buffalo wild wings gift card, a FUNNY card, and Luellen racing shirts!!
They are the BEST!
And got the amazing news that not only is my mom and brother coming to see us in March BUT ALSO my sister and my two little nephews BEST NEWS ANYONE COULD HAVE ASKED FOR!!!!

Hope everyone had an amazing Valentines Day with or without there other 1/2!!!

Friday, February 10, 2012

My Love Story

Becky : From Mrs. to Mama
If you don't follow her blog you should !!!! It is by far one of my Favorites

1. How long have you and your significant other been together?

Officially together since October 2010 But had been talking since Probably March (He was at BASIC so we where only righting letters and it wasn't until he was done with BASIC and AIT  Stationed at his first duty station that we became "official")
2. How did you meet? {What's your "love" story?}
We have known each other and been around one another since 2003 (Grade school but he was two years above me)
He remembers the first time we ever met, was at a bonfire, (I was in 8th grade and went with my sister I do NOT remember it being the first time we met but don't really know when the "first time" in my eyes was bc he was just always in my life!!!) He instantly tried to talk to me, however, he was drinking beer and "that wasn't cool" hahaha so I guess I paid him no attention and he gave up!
3. If married, how long have you been married? If not, is this the guy you hope to marry? {do tell}
We have been married for 10 months now :)
4. If you are married, where did you get married at? Big or small wedding?  If not, where would you like to get married? And will it be big or small?
HUGE wedding in our hometown in Iowa, outside!! :) BEAUTIFUL wouldn't have changed a thing
5. Do you have any nick-names that you call one another? Do share!
Lu, Boo, Babe, Baby, Hunny, Dear, Toots, Darlin
6. Name 3 things you love most about your honey.
*His HUGE heart --he would do anything for me or his family!!! such a huge family oriented guy which is one of his BEST qualities and he loves me for me !!
*His Personality--Humor, Laughter, Fun, Light hearted, relaxed, protective, smile, supportive, dependent, adventurous AND MORE
*His Figure--He is tall !! and I LOVE THAT! I am 5'9" and he makes me feel little and that was one quality i said my husband WOULD have NO EXCEPTIONS (when in reality I just prayed and prayed and prayed that it came true LUCKY ME)
7. Tell us how he proposed? Or your ideal proposal?
I came home from work (he was suppose to still be at work) and I walked in to him on his knee with 2 dozen roses in vases beside him, music playing, candles lit, and "thee ring" in his hand :)

8. Is he a flowers and teddy bear kind of guy for v-day, or strawberries, champagne, and rose petals?
Neither?!? lol flowers/dinner/ALCOHOL/movie/CUDDLING
9. Are you a sunset dinner on the beach kind of girl, or pop a movie in and relax on the couch?
BOTH!!! :) i just love romance and i think you can make ANYTHING romantic
10. Tell us one thing you'd like to do with your significant one day. If you could do anything? Go anywhere?
Have a honeymoon !! ANYWHERE!!! .... we got married and a few months later he deployed!!  since our wedding was so short notice anyways --we had only saved up enough money for the wedding itself!
11. Tell us what you plan on doing on this Valentine's Day.
Eating at the restaurant we had our "first date" at and going to a movie!!
12. Are you asking for anything this Valentine's day?
We agreed to save our money we have some "big costs" coming soon!
13. Give us one piece of advice of keeping a relationship strong and full of love.
Open-transparent marriage....... work together to have effective communication ....Tell each other everything work through the good, the bad, the ugly, and the best moments in life
It will be worth it NEVER GIVE UP
You are never alone and you are not the only marriage/couple going through certain situations always remember that
14.  Show us a picture of what love means to you.
Being in his arms!!!! :)


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

What a Weekend

Yes it was SUPER BOWL weekend
and we ate like CRAP the WHOLE weekend
disgusting really hahahhaha ... lots of pizza, lots of dips for chips, BBQ wings and such!!
The hubby wasn't really going for any team but I picked the giants
(only because I 1. like New York and 2. I like the name Eli hahah so go Manning's hahah and his wife is gorgeous)
ANYWAYS I WON --and I'm competitive so I was talking *ish the whole time heehee

I had to cut him off after this heehee

We went to a group for young married couples at our church after the service and really really liked it :)

We bought Couch's over the Ft Bliss Garage Sale Facebook Site
We only have one couch so when people come over there really isnt anywhere to sit (and we have tile floor so thats not really a "fun" option) and the hubs and I sit on the couch and in order to lounge out we are like on top of each other (we are a tall couple!!)
SO we found an identical couch that we already have and also a matching love seat for 200 dollars
we thought it thought it was a great deal!
 We had bought from this site before and always had good luck;so we thought it was safe : and usually you deal with a lot of military families so you know
1. that you will/should get a good deal
2. Honest people (they are soldiers)

they sent us a picture (looked good) , told us it was in good condition (and it appeared that way from the pictures), said they didn't smoke or have dogs
hhhhmmmmm..... well i though I asked all the right questions and that we where good to go
we do not have a truck so we had to rent a Uhaul to go pick it up (Extra $40 to pay for whatever we end up buying if its to big for a mid size car)
so yesterday the hubs had the day off ( I guess all soldiers get the day after super bowl off?? MAKES SENSE!! heehee )we headed to pick them up 

IT WAS HORRIBLE ---there where stains everywhere it had been in their garage for who knows how long
dust on it ... they def had dogs WE SAW THEM!  hair, hair, hair, and more hair
it was so disappointing to say the least
discouraged :(
and felt like it was my fault since I found them and suggested we get them !!
although the hubs didn't blame me and he did state "how could you have known" but I still felt like he secretly blamed me
so we spent all of our Monday CLEANING these couch's (so much for a day off from work sorry babes)
I think we both ended up High off the fumes
we vacuumed scrubbed, used some scrub cleaner, febreeze, REPEAT REPEAT REPEAT
i did it
we did it
the hubs did it

I couldn't even be downstairs last night bc the fumes where outrageous

And NOW.....
 They look so different!! :) They look Wonderful
I am so impressed with us
HOWEVER, it does still disgust me thinking about how they where ( and have only sat on the old couch still hahah) but I should get over that soon right?? UCK

The New Set Up
And now I can decorate the walls since we know where furniture will be ( i didn't want to hang anything knowing that we where HOPEFULLY getting more then just a single couch ) our tv looks itty bitty now

We also treated ourselves to
Apple Pie after all that hard work!!!

The Cutest Nephews in the whole world got to play in the snow all weekend in Iowa!!!
We where so Jealous , there was ZERO snow the whole 26 days we where home, now its Feb and they get a huge snow storm --it has been a wild unusual winter up there!!

Some really dear friends of ours (back in Iowa of course where ALL our friends are hahahah ) got engaged today :0 and we are so excited for them !!! Wyatt and Rocky Grew up together and are two peas in a pod !!
The Ring

Oh and I got flowers this weekend :)
always a fun surprise

**Sorry about the minor fuzzy pics they are all off the iphone**

Oh and did I mention that Nala is a DIVA???

Friday, February 3, 2012

Thankful HEART

#3 to a new life
living life being Thankful in all that God has provided for us in our lives

"A tHaNkFuL hEaRt MaKeS a HaPpY hEaRt"

So to follow my last post of being pessimistic about 1. El Paso and 2. NO job

 I am thankful for ---

-Our God : through him all things are possible : he is always challenging us everyday with a purpose behind everything ... so excited to see what he has in store for us in the future! I know he will not bring us to it if he cant bring us through it
-My Husband: we are together!!!! We should still have 7 months separated by distance BUT WE DON'T we are together, we get to do things together, we get to make plans, we get to kiss, we get to pray together (touching one another), we get to eat breakfast sometimes lunch and supper together, we get to go to bed every night in the same bed saying "good night" with a kiss
-Our Health: My husbands, My Parents, My siblings and there significant others, My Nephews, My in-laws, Our Extended family, Friends, Nala (yes that's our cat but she is my baby)
and I pray for the health of others that are going through the struggles or watching those who are enduring the struggle right now! **Never lose Hope**
-My Freedom: I think everyone is "thankful" for this but until you are actually tied directly to the military you do not realize how many sacrifices these men make, as well as their families!!  I am truly thankful for all of the men/woman that make up our troops that keep freedom a possibility for EVERYONE to live the lives we live with no second thought
-Family/Support: We are so blessed with the most amazing families in the world , they support us with every choice that we make and stand by our sides through thick and thin ... giving advice where need be (sometimes even when we don't need it heehee) and judgement where need be .....we wouldn't change it for anything
-Technology: yes i am thankful for it !!! it allows us to stay connected no matter what the distance we can still "see" each other through skype "hear" your voice through the phone "read" your words through text
and stay close/connected to family, friends, and all people ---helps me not feel like we are are 20 hrs away (which we are )
-Financially Stable: I am thankful that even though I do not have a job and I wish I did ; my hubs does and we have a roof over our head, food on the table, we are safe, and taken care of fully!
-Angels: I have a very special angel above watching over me :)  ---and as hard as it is to say goodbye I hope everyone has an angel that they never forget about to watch over and keep them safe

I could go on and on and on ......
But that is a good start to my thankful list

What are you thankful for?

Happy Friday ---Hope everyone gets rowdy for the super bowl

Thursday, February 2, 2012

20 more days

Can the days go any SLOWER?!?!?! hahahahah  20 more days people!!

Had a Dr appointment with my new PCM (primary care giver) today--- You never know what you are going to get with the army medical field so I was a bit nervous to say the least hahahah
pleasantly surprised :)
Dr. Kidd turned out to be a really really great llady ---- I actually liked her A LOT!!!!

Nothing crazy today mainly just to get in do an overall check up and have my blood drawn!!!
Talk about Vitamins and other healthy things to be doing at this point in my life :)

AND ---the hubs took off some work to go with me (i know your thinking awww what a sweet guy but aka told his srgt we had an appointment to get out of work for ALL of the morning: He just decided NOT to go back to work until after lunch hahahah dont get me wrong he CAN be sweet)

DYING to have a JOB any JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel like I am just applying and applying and applying
At this point everywhere and anywhere no ands/ifs/buts
1. I would like the job or not
2. It is close or far away
3. The pay is good or bad
I JUST WANT SOMETHING ---something to get me out of the house , something to maybe help me meet people, something to feel like my life consist of something besides a SAHW (stay at home wife)

Really struggling down here in (h)El Paso --- I sometimes do not feel like it is America that we live in!!! (when you cant get a job because you don't speak Spanish??? I think that means something!!!)
GGGRRRR not racist

Makes it even harder being away from all of your family and friends , not knowing anyone, and not having a job!!!
Im just such a motivated individual and I feel like I am losing control ---not being who I am or living out the life I wish to be living!!! IM BECOMING SASSY!
Dear Army: why could you not have stationed us somewhere anywhere better then here!!!